Saturday, 23 June 2012


Arguably the most important nutrient in our diet, water makes up at least 60% of our body composition, a loss of only 2% of our body's water can cause reduced concentration, focus and slow reactions.

The changes in metabolic processes and the breakdown of stored fats while on the Ultra Diet Weight Management Programme increase our need for water.
It is essential that a minimum of 2.0 litres of water be consumed daily while on the Ultra Diet Weight Management Programme, more if you exercise or live in a hot climate.
Unsweetened herbal teas including green tea can count as part of your total water intake.

 Facts about Water
  1. About 70% of the Earth's surface is covered in water
  2. It is essential for life - humans can survive for weeks without food, but only 3-5 days in mild weather without water
  3. By the time you feel thirsty you have already reduced your body's water content by >1%
  4. Global sales of bottled water account for over $60 - S80 billion USD each year
  5. Water is made up of two hydrogen and one oxygen molecules - hence the formula H2O
  6. Pure water has no smell or taste and a neutral pH level of 7.0
  7. Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid
  8. Chemicals, minerals and nutrients follow water wherever it goes
 Water & Weight Loss

Thirst can be mistaken for hunger, by drinking enough water and remaining hydrated this is a lot less likely to occur. Water also helps to metabolise stored body fat, however, a decrease in water intake may cause the body to deposit fat.
Drinking just 500ml of water has been shown to increase metabolic rate by 30%. The recommended 2 litres per day intake could increase energy expenditure by almost 100 calories (400kJ) daily, contributing to increased fat burning.
Many toxins are stored in our fat cells, when we start to breakdown our stored fat for energy these toxins are released and must be removed from the body. Drinking enough water will help the body to eliminate toxins released from fat stores.

What to Drink on the Programme
  • WATER!!
  • Unsweetened, herbal tea e.g. green tea, peppermint, liquorice (for something a little sweet)
  • Mineral water
  • Occasional soda water with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime
  • REDUCE coffee - it stimulates the release of insulin which encourages the body to store fat
  • If you do have regular tea or coffee, drink it without milk or sugar
  • Stevia or Xylitol, natural plant based low calorie sweeteners may be used sparingly
  • AVOID alcohol as well as soft drinks - they are high in sugar and will disrupt ketosis
  • AVOID diet drinks - they can stimulate appetite, increase carbohydrate cravings and stimulate insulin which in turn promotes fat storage. Not really diet drinks are they?

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