Saturday 23 June 2012


Exercise is an essential part of any weight loss regime and of course lifelong weight management. Regular exercise also assists with reducing insulin resistance, maintaining normal blood sugar levels, building muscle mass, keeping your metabolism up, improving heart function, reducing stress levels, improving energy and making you feel good - all factors vital for good health and longevity.

  • The most benefit is gained from regular exercise: 5 or more days per week
  • Aim for 30 minutes duration
  • Start by moving for as long as you can
  • Walk on flat level or swim, as you progress add in some hills, increase the pace and duration until you get to 30 minutes
To specifically target fat burning try HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). This can be applied to many forms of exercise e.g. running, cycling, swimming or rowing.
  • Warm up
  • Do chosen exercise for 1 minutes fast as you can (e.g. sprint)
  • Then have 1 minutes recovery
  • Repeat for around 10 - 20 minute   

Every little bit counts - 10 ways to get incidental exercise every day

  1. Use the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator - they're usually less busy too!
  2. Park your car at the far end of the car park
  3. Pop over to your colleagues desk rather than sending them an email or calling them
  4. Do the housework to your favourite music and break out a few dance moves in between dusting
  5. Use the printer furthest from your desk - even better, one on a different floor
  6. Encourage your colleagues to partake in walking meetings
  7. Only 2 bags from the grocery store? Carry them rather than taking the trolley to your car
  8. Do walking lunges each time you walk down your hallway at home
  9. See how many wall squats you can do while talking on your mobile or cordless phone
  10. Move during the TV ad breaks - water the plants, make your lunch, pack your bag for the gym in the morning, you'll be exercising as well as getting organised!

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