Saturday, 23 June 2012


If you eat fewer carbohydrates (CHO) than you require for energy, your stored fat will be burned to provide your body's energy needs. To quickly get into ketosis it is recommended to eat no more than 20g of CHO daily, after a few days most people find they can eat approximately 35g/day CHO and stay in ketosis.
Refined simple carbohydrates such as sugar, cakes, biscuits, sweets, crackers, noodles, white rice, refined grains and white bread contain little nutritional value and must be avoided. Fruit is also considered a simple CHO as is contains high amounts of easily metabolised fructose; as such fruit should also be avoided.
The best sources of CHO while on the programme are low starch vegetables, especially green vegetables. It is recommended that 5 servings (approximately 5 cups) of vegetables from the 'Slim Diet II Food Content Chart' are eaten every day.

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